


We envision a strong corps of volunteers, from churches all over the Peoria area partnering in a door-to-door, block-by-block, neighborhood-by-neighborhood effort to bring relief, hope, and most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to Peoria’s most economically disadvantaged zip code – 61605.

The plan is simple and proven. It means adopting whole city blocks at a time and focusing energies for the long term. It means establishing a real, tangible relationship with the impoverished – sowing seeds, nurturing tender shoots, and yielding an abundant harvest when the time comes.

Adopt-A-Block Strategy

Volunteers convene at South Side Mission two Saturday mornings a month and from there disperse and canvass specific blocks in the 61605 zip code going door-to-door.

Volunteers will introduce themselves as part of the Adopt-A-Block program and explain the program to residents.

Volunteers will pick up trash, ask for prayer requests, and inquire about needs. We seek to make friends and share the good news of Jesus. If an opportunity presents itself, volunteers are asked to share the Gospel with residents. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15-16

This is a Body of Christ effort, not specifically tied to any church or South Side Mission. The goal is to win 61605 for Christ. It's OK to invite residents to church, also, but that goal is secondary to residents accepting Christ as Savior.

Because relationship-building is a primary goal of the program, Adopt-A-Block volunteers are expected to commit for at least a four-month time period. Volunteers may partner to find "subs" if and when they need a break.

The staff of South Side Mission is meeting with Bible-believing, evangelical churches in the 61605 zip code and the surrounding area to gather volunteer, prayer, and financial support for the Adopt-A-Block program.

We have specially commissioned a map of 61605 detailing the Zip Code house-by-house. The map is already being etched with little red crosses as decisions for Christ are made by residents of the 61605 zip code. The map has been anointed with oil and prayed over.

We continue to prayer walk the streets, entreating the Lord for his favor and asking for personal and corporate revival.

Church Partnerships Are Crucial To Our Adopt-A-Block Ministry!

Would you like to help with our Adopt-A-Block Ministry?
Call us at (309) 676-4604 and ask for Outreach Ministry.