Personal References

1. Spiritual Maturity and Stability

2. Christian Example

3. Sensitive to Spiritual Counseling

4. Evidence of Christian Growth

5. Spiritual Leadership

6. Church Attendance & Participation

1. Performance of Specified Jobs

2. Ability to Work Well With Others

3. Ability to Follow Instructions

4. Industry, Resourcefulness, Enthusiasm

5. Responsible / Can Work Unsupervised

6. Willing to Learn / Try New Things

1. Get Along with Others

2. Emotional Maturity and Stability

3. Social Awareness, tact, friendliness

4. Outgoing / Makes Friends Easily

5. Acceptance by Peers


2. Truthfulness

3. Reliability

4. Morality

5. Faithful to Commitments

6. Attitude towards Authority

7. Trustworthiness with Children

Do you know of any reason that this person should NOT be allowed to work with children?

Do you recommend the above to serve at Camp Kearney?

5 + 12 =